All Walks of Light

Season 1 Episode 13

February 25, 2023 All Walks of Light Season 1 Episode 13

WOO WEE!!!  We brought Nick Salzman back and boy is he always a cauldron full of knowledge!!!  We just love having him on and he took the time to meet with us once again and you don't want to miss out on this episode. 
We talked about ancestral healing and how to heal through pendulum work. of course we talked about the Jin a little bit more and caught up on what we are all up to these days!!!

To contact Nick Salzman
to look and purchase one of his amazing creations and to get started on your healing!!!
to see his Tattoo art and book a session

To contact Shanell Larner
To look at her services and book a session.
To look at her informational videos and readings that will blow your mind!!!

To contact Kim Cardiel Earley
to follow her social media accounts, book a session in person or online and see her services.